What's New

1 January 2023

Added reproduction artwork and scans for Thunder Man. Thanks to Danny Borg for providing these.

12 July 2023

Added FreePlay ROM images for Star God with 1B1125 sound board. Thanks to Randy for confirming that these work.

Added clean PDF of the early Gen1 schematics (Winter Sports, Future World, House of Diamonds, Shooting the Rapids. Also includes the 1B1125 sound board. Thanks to Gianfri for providing these.

Updated the 1B1111 Gen1 driver board page with more (new) information and corrections from Gianfri.

Updated Zankor ROM images to include the newly discovered TMS5200 support (IT) image. Notes updated on TMS5200 and TMS5220 support. Thanks to Gaston from the PinMAME project for this information.

25 July 2023

Added Mac Attack ROM images. Thanks to Robert Doerr.

Added information on the 1B11194/0 (Mac Attack) video board. Thanks Francois.

Added IT sound ROM images for Mexico 86. Thanks to Francis Voglioso.

Added Mystic Star plastics scans. Thanks Laszlo.

Added Moon Flight plastics scans. Thanks Allan Evans.

30 July 2023

Removed Ten Up from the EM games list. Jay Stafford @ IPDB and Federico Croci confirm that this game was not produced.

Added scan of Magic Castle upper playfield plastic. Thanks Giampietro.

2 January 2024

Added schematics scan for Woods Queen. Thanks Stephane.

Updated reproduction artwork images for Thunder Man. Thanks again to Danny Borg for providing these.

Added reproduction artwork images and plastics scans for Robot. Thanks to Danny Borg for providing these too.

4 February 2024

Fixed the links to NYPinball fliers. Added links to Technoplay fliers. Thanks Ron.

Added link to Pinball Solutions for reproduction circuit boards.

7 April 2024

Fixed broken link for Mac Attack ROM images. Thanks Carsten.

8 July 2024

Added switch matrix, ROM checksums, settings, manual and schematics PDFs for Space Team. Thanks Keith.

Previous Updates (Archive)